Thursday 2 August 2012

Halfway through it!

I'm sitting in the NOC services center in the Village at the end of a typical day at London 2012.

Typical, as per usual, i knew how my day would start but not how it would end. For instance, at 7pm i was supposed to pick up our allocation of athletes tickets for tomorrow and only received half of our allocation, along with a nice little letter stating there had been a problem with the ticket distribution and we will get an update in 3 hours...yeah that is 22h. So well i'll just hang out and blog as the atheltes need these tonight and not tomorrw as they set out for their day.

I'm still amazed at the sheer logistical challenge this whole operation is, the number of processes and people involved to get anything done is truly mindblowing and the volume of information is unreal.In Haiti's case we re constantly trying to find ways around the system as they are so atypical in their way of working, i feel like all our sentences start with " we know there is a process, but here is why it won't work for us".

The good side is that there are so many people,there is bound to be someone who has a solution and 99% of the people in the village are friendly, open, and flexible (thank goodness)...but then there are some "casting errors" or overharassed people/athletes/officials who just can't be bothered. And they have unfortunately a tendency to kill the buzz

Barring that minority, i still believe that if aliens were to invade Earth or were studying us out of curiosity, they should point their spectacles at this little microcosm in East London : the most beautiful people and values truly come together here. It's about as good as we get, for humans. But inherently because we' re human, there are flaws. I know this may sound trite, but this whole experience truly validates my dream of being part of the Olympics. It's all about the spirit of it.

Enough heartfelt mushiness.

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